Hi I’m Monica Harding


We’re all under increased pressure. Exacerbated by the cost of living crisis, life is tougher than ever. Now, more than ever before, we need people on our side.

We need people who care and people who can.

I’m a mum, daughter, a professional and the LibDem candidate for Esher and Walton. I’ve lived in Thames Ditton for over 15 years with my husband and four children. I’ve worked in Europe and Asia as a Director, CEO and Management Consultant in the private, public and charity sectors. I’ve been a Vice Chair of Governors at a local school and a Trustee at our local hospice.

I want to make things easier for our kids and their futures, for our elderly parents, for our families, and our communities, easing the path to the services we need, and easing the bills we face. I want to work for you and your loved ones – as your advocate, someone on your side.

In 2019, with no political experience and fed up with shouting at the TV, I stood against Dominic Raab and reduced his majority from 23,000 to under 3,000. It was the biggest swing in the country of any candidate or party. I’m standing again because we’re so close to being able to make change. The next election needs just a 2% swing and then we can start making things work again.

Decency, fairness, and competence is just a vote away. At the next election on Thursday the 4th July 2024, let’s say good bye to Conservative unfairness and bring it home for The Liberal Democrats in Esher and Walton.



The general election has been called and that’s Why I am standing as the parliamentary candidate for Esher & Walton


Why I am standing as the parliamentary candidate for Esher & Walton. Together we can turn Esher & Walton yellow.



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We need your help and support

The only way I can win and become your MP is through the grass roots support of people like you. In addition to the many volunteers who have reached out to me since I took on this role back in October 2018 who I thank for the generous donation of ‘their time’, I also need financial support so that I can give my campaign further momentum.


If you can make a donation however small (or large) my team and I will be very grateful. We are currently taking PayPal donations. When you click on the button below the link will take you through to the ‘Elmbridge Lib Dems’ page.


Even a few hours can make a massive difference. If you have some spare time to help us spread the word across Esher & Walton and elect me as your MP then I’d love to hear from you.


Thank you


Our constituency office in Walton

A monumental step for Monica and the ElmbridgeLiberal Democrats: introducing our inaugural constituency office right on Walton's High Street. It's more than just an office; it's a bold declaration of our commitment to Esher and Walton. Dive into the video to see Monica and Liberal Democrat Leader Ed Davey talk about this landmark moment.