Demanding Better Trains


Demanding Better Trains

Our family uses the trains each day - to get to work and school - from Thames Ditton and Esher stations - into London and out to Weybridge. Like you, I experience the constant delays and cancellations - which often leaves my children stranded because the trains taking them to and from school aren’t running. Add to this the rocketing fares, the crumbling station infrastructure and limited station supervision - no wonder so many of us are fed up. If you elect me as your MP, I will do something about it.

Holding SWR to account

I’ve already been holding SWR to account on your behalf, writing to them about the shocking decision to shut many local stations over Christmas 2022 and the ongoing delays and cancellations and the impact of the strikes. I met with them last autumn and earlier this month with the same questions.

Repairing our stations

I've written to Network Rail too to press them on timescales for removing the unsightly scaffolding at Hampton Court, upgrading Hersham station and extending the passenger footbridge at Walton for local residents. They’ve invited me in to meet them.

Making up for years of Tory inaction

I first campaigned to extend zone 6 to our local stations in 2019 to reduce the high fares passengers pay. I’ve since found out that residents asked Dominic Raab - our Conservative MP - back in 2016 for action on this. As the Deputy Prime Minister, he had the opportunity. We’re still waiting.

No more broken promises

If you’re fed up with inaction on our rail services - and all the other broken services, and promises, we experience everyday - then vote for me, Monica Harding, for a Fresh Start for Esher and Walton on July 4th.

Let’s get some proper representation at last. I’ll be joining hardworking local Liberal Democrat MPs in Richmond, Twickenham, Kingston and Surbiton taking action on local transport, not making empty promises. We’re on your side.

Time for a fresh start

A vote for me is a vote for a fair deal for rail users across Esher and Walton. It’s time for a Fresh Start.